Monday, May 24, 2010


This year has been a good year. I started off excited to be doing photography again and already knowning what I wanted my concentration to be. I didn't know how much work it was going to be, but I was ready for anything. I had to surpass a few obstacles on the way, but in the end I am really impressed with how much I have grown as a photographer. My shooting has improved as well as my developing and darkroom printing abilities.
I'm not really sure what the future has in store for me. Right now, photography is a hobby I enjoy. I'm not really sure if I will end up incorporating it into my future career, but I know that I want to keep taking pictures with my camera. I love taking black and white pictures. I guess I've always been a somewhat traditional girl, and I love the emotion a black and white photo can evoke. Hopefully in college I will be able to continue pursuing photography. If not, I guess I will have to learn how to use DSLR. I'll just have to wait and see what the future has in store for me.

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