Friday, March 19, 2010

Mark Robert Halper

Mark Robert Halper is a commercial photographer who has been in the business since 1989. He has a talent for not only meeting the needs of the client but also making great images with what is on hand - most of his work isn't planned in advance. His first experience with photography was with a Mickey Mouse camera, but his first more technical experience was with making Super 8 films in junior high. After graduating from USC, not really having any idea of what he wanted to do, he began using his Pentax camera and asked for a darkroom as a graduation present. He was first hired to take pictures of homes for an interactive video system. He then went back to school at UCLA and began taking courses on photography Halper's inspiration comes from his love of photography and his love for different things, like women. He doesn't look at other photographers because although they do great work, they are already doing it. Halper shoots in color and black and white. He does environment and studio shooting, as well as different projects he works on.

For my concentration, I would like to take portraits of people in their own environment as Mark Robert Halper does. He has inspired me tio go out and set up unplanned photoshoots of people being themselves. He also likes to focus in on the subject and do a lot of close ups, which I have always been interested in doing.

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